SJ Mepla
Mepla ISO
Release Notes
Version 1.6.0 (25.07.2020)
Updated and improved calculation routine
Added 2D output for the system and load view
Select panes/spacers/loads by clicking
Single and double glazing support
Remove a pane by leaving its thickness empty
Bug fixes
Version 1.5.0 (21.12.2019)
Programming language updated, compatible to newest OS, printers, ...
Enhanced installer for easy to use updates
Components are now digitally signed
Multi-Language support
Switched Architecture to x64
High improvements in calculation speed
Output point and the point load area can be moved by mouse
Enhanced 3D visualisation for stresses and deformations:
LMB (LeftMouseButton) : Moves the model
CTRL + LMB or MMB : Rotates the model
RMB (Zoom) : Zooms in/out the system
RMB (Magnify) : Magnify the deformations
SHIFT + LMB : Select stress/deformation at mouse position
Fill Mode, Center and Align button
Calculate the max. shear deformations at borders/spacers
Updated startup
Bug fixes
Version 1.4.1 (18.1.2017)
Line- and point load factors swapped in protocol output - fixed!
Version 1.4.0 (1.1.2017)
Safety factors added to load-tab
Size of pointload area can now be changed
Added information panel
Minor changes and improvements
Version 1.3.1 (3.6.2015)
Less memory usage and better performance
Window now scalable
Improved print-protocol routine
Option to pick stresses in Global Scan by mouse
o Left Click: pick one point
o Right Click: move over the area
Version 1.3.0 (27.8.2014)
NEW: “Protocol”-tab added (only for OS higher than XP)
DIN A4 sized protocol, including global scan results
Startup updated
“Geometry”-tab updated
Use left and right mouse button to move the Output-Point P
“Global scan”-tab updated
Progress bar added
Version 1.2.2 (10.6.2013)
bug fix: inverted gap size fixed (Thanks to Chris A., Italy)
Version 1.2.1 (7.1.2012)
changes in the post processing window
usage of multicore processors to enhance calculation speed
stress legend added
Version 1.2.0 (10.12.2011)
Decimal separator now automatically set to point “.”
Added post processing window to visualize stress distribution
Solved update and installation problem
Version 1.1.2 (5.10.2011)
System shape, load and output position is drawn now with actual values
Version 1.1.1 (4.9.2011)
Fixed wrong error message for point loads out of pane area
Version 1.1.0 (27.08.2011)
Global scan – Tab page added, scans the whole system for maximal major principal stresses and the highest deformation
Fixed unit conversion containing multiple division bug
Startup added - fixed delay if there is no internet connection while starting up the program
Corrected testing for an internet connection
Changed layout of registration form
Version 1.0.4 (31.07.2011)
Added new functions:
added LSG outside
all climate loads visible
decimal-separator set to point („ . “ )
Version 1.0.3 (27.7.2011)
fixed problem for first installation of version 1.0.2
Version 1.0.2 (24.7.2011)
Update window
Automatic scan modified
Status bar
Added link to all release notes
Fixed update installation problem
Load card
User-specific units
[N] and [mm]
[kN] and [m]
Tab-stops fixed
Version 1.0.1 (19.7.2011)
Fixed installation-routine:
Corrected folder-location
Fixed registry-properties
Renewed registration form
Version 1.0.0 (9.7.2011)
First version includes :
Double/triple insulated glass
Face loads inside/outside
Climate loads
Line loads
Point loads
Update window
Automatic update function
Real-time calculations